::Words of Wisdom...

Friday, August 12, 2005

:: The Surge (or My Wife and Her Short Stint With The X-Men)

Its not easy being married to a crime fighting superhero. Living in the shadow of someone with supernatural powers can be quiet humbling. No longer are you the top of the food chain so to speak. Sure I'm the bread winner with my thankless 9-5 gig but she's the one who secretly gets all the glory. "Look at me, I'm a crime fighter... oh la la!"

No, stop, we talked about this in marriage counsel. "She is not the enemy. It is not her fault she has abilities unexplained by science. Must be supportive of her differences. Her anchor." I think our shrink is on Mr. Xavier's payroll.

All this talk of being supportive and setting up sessions at Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters to help her control her abilities. Isn't she a little old to be going to a school for kids? Have to admit the light bulbs have been popping less often since she started. And I can finally set the VCR clock.

But the idea of her fighting crime? What's a school have to do with that? Its like they are some secret department like the CIA setting up a fake college setup to recruit new spies. I mean really, what is it they expect her to do? Short out the villian's Lazer Beam? Besides, she's not the fighting type. And I can just imagine the drama that comes from them trying to tell her she has to wear those skin tight outfits. Not that she couldn't but she her self-conciousness will simply not allow it. No, I just don't see that working out at all. Must be supportive.

She's been on "patrols" for about a week now and... Ok, I think I hear her coming in now.

"Hi, dear... how was your day of fighting crime?"
"What do you mean they fired you?" "Cerebro? What's that?"
"Well shouldn't they have something like that shielded.. I mean if its THAT important. And what about tape backups?"
"Oh, well, I don't see how you could held responsible for their lack of forethought. Really... What did they expect from someone who's uncanny ability is to short out any and every electronic device in your proximity. I mean, really.. Amateurs."
"Come, come... its not that bad... you are a GREAT superhero. There are other supergroups out there.. here, I found this ad in the paper while looking for a cheap refrigerator to replace the one you.. uh, nevermind.. here look..."

"Got superpowers? Want to fight evil? Then JOIN US and let's PARTY HEARTY! Beer! Burgers! Babes!"

"This looks promising... right?"


Beth said...

All I have is super strength ... and it isn't even really super. It's just "stronger than average women" strength. So, yeah, no great powers here at all. =)

Scott said...

Xavier should be ashamed of himself. Mrs. T is a weapon, but she is also a double edged sword. C'mon, for the love of Pete! He should have built her a super suit that holds her super electronic disruptor beam behind a visor like Cyclops has. This is just infuriating. Tell you what, let's call the ACLU. I think you might have a case here.

mr. schprock said...

The thing that worries me is your wife being approached by Magento. As a non-mutant, having someone like The Surge allied to Magneto makes me more than a little uncomfortable. Xavier better smarten up in a hurry.

Unknown said...

You got it made...My wife's 'invisible' most of the time...

Mr. T said...

Vince that would certainly make me paranoid to have an invisible wife.

Mr. Schprock, no worries on Mr. Magneto.. he stopped by for an unexpected visit and ironically he shorted himself out by entering the door. Seems the surge has an effect on magnetic fields as well. We went to the BBQ and while the burgers were really good, there were NO BABES, except that one infant that had the manners of a drunken sailor and a mouth to match. We had to turn down the Mystery men as they didn't have adequate Superhero coverage on their insurance policy.

Scott, we contacted the ACLU and they assigned us a lawyer. Seems Xavier has a few suits pending on similar grounds. They are talking class action now.

Scott said...

You must be pretty busy lately, huh? I hope the family is doing ok through this down time you are going through.

Mr. T said...

*ZAP* One spammer eliminated, only 1 billion and 3 more to go

Mr. T said...

Ben 0. wrote (before I accidentally erased it.. Gosh):

I personally think that the mohawk should be elevated to a place of higher status. Is there such a thing as a "National Haircut"?Ben O.http://everyothernamehasbeentaken.blogspot.com/