::Words of Wisdom...

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

:: Too old and yet not old enough

I always thought the early teens were the most awkward years of my life. The pimples, the unruly hair growth in places that didn't have hair just a couple of years earlier, the high-low of the pubescent voice, getting that funny feeling around girls. Yeah, they may be awkward but they have nothing on the mid-20's to mid-30's. The awkward years of being too old to be cool and hip and yet too young to hang out with anyone outside of this age group. Maybe its just my generation... we are the in-betweeners, the genX, baby busters. Can't relate to the baby boomers as we are the younger generation and the younger generation is like ANY younger generation, they react to us and anyone else older than 21.. "You're over 20.. you're OLD!!" So what are we GenX'rs supposed to do when in mixed crowds? We huddle. We huddle for survival. The youngsters ignore us with their arrogance that comes with youth and the baby boomers call us elitist. We can't win. Though some of us try to mix with the baby boomers and become prematurely old. Sitting in on the weekends and complaining about the noise from the neighbors. Going to the grocer and complaining about the high prices as we buy our starbucks frappaccinos and Ben and Jerry's ice cream. These are sad people... a lost people. What happened to the vibrance and energy that was associated with the GenXer's We were supposed to change the world. We saw the end of the Vietnam War, the WALL fall in Berlin, the crumble of the Soviet Union, birth of the Internet and the modern dysfunctional family. Nevermind, I think I see where our energy went.. maybe we did change the world and now we're tired. We're slackers for a reason damn it! Take that baby boomers and take heed you snot nosed kids... what we threw out as trash is what you kids call retro. We've been there, done that... and you're wearing our T-Shirt.


Scott said...

Hey Mr. T.

Thanks for dropping by. Sorry I've been radio silent. I've had the rents looking over my shoulder every time I touched the computer, and I need my privacy.

Loved this post. I know exactly what you mean, and you put a finger on my frustration. I took a writing class and all my classmates were the young crowd that frowns on our generation, but I found out that I still connected because I was still young in my heart, and reading some of my essays in class connected me with them across the age divide. It's just that we look older, but we still have the power. I once said to a classmate that I'm getting old. The reply was, "maybe, but you're hip." I think you know how that made me feel.

A. Darcy said...

First of all, you are old.
Secondly, I look good in your t-shirt. :P

Beth said...

I'm the Me Generation, not Generation X. I frown on Generation X. Happy I'm back? =)

Scott said...

You're slacking buddy!

jenbeauty said...

Yeppers all the youngster are wearing MY Fin T-SHIRT!

I was actually complaining to my hubby yesterday, well more like lamenting, the fact that I threw out all those vintage concert Ts. You know the ones, the kids are paying like $50 bucks for! Hubby said no one would want my GoGo's T!

Mr. T said...

Scott Sorry for slacking, its in my nature ;)
And I have been tussling with a dilemna (see new post)

Jen You'd be surprised what you can sell if you add the word "Vintage" to it. :)